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Amazon Web Services (AWS)

(254 reviews)
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Last Update

01 January 2023


45 Days


Cloud’s AWS Certification is curated by industry professionals as per the industry requirements and demands. This AWS Training will help you prepare for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam SAA-C03. With cloud's live instructor-led sessions, you will be able to effectively architect, monitor, and deploy secure and robust applications using AWS. This AWS solutions architect certification course will help you identify the appropriate Amazon Web Services including databases, network, storage, cost optimization, compute, and security requirements.

What you'll learn

  • AWS Overview
  • Operating System & Linux Basics
  • Application Components
  • AWS Global Infrastructure
  • Amazon Virtual Private Cloud - VPC
  • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud - EC2


  • • High School Mathematics Level
  • • Basic Knowledge Required
  • • Broadband Internet


  • 45 lectures • 45 days total length

Fundamentals of Datacenter

Fundamentals of Servers

Fundamentals of Cloud Computing

Cloud Providers - AWS vs AZURE vs GCP

Use Case Of Applications On Cloud

AWS - Cloud Terminologies

AWS - Security

AWS - High Availability

AWS - Fault Tolerance

AWS - Scalability

Walk through AWS Free Tier Account

AWS Management Console

Cloud Offerings - IAAS vs PAAS vs SAAS

IAAS - Infrastructure As A Service

PAAS - Platform As A Service

SAAS - Software As A Service

Introduction to Linux OS

Linux Distributions

Linux Architecture

Understanding Command Line Interface - CLI

Understanding Linux File System

Using Text Editor (vi)

File & Directory Management

Archive Files Using tar and zip utilities

Package Management

User Management

File Permissions

Service Management

Introduction to Application Stack

Understand Different components of an application

Understand Frontend Tier - Presentation Layer

Understand Backend Tier - Business Logic

Understand Database Tier - Data Layer

Installing and Configuring Apache HTTP Server

Deploying Frontend Application, Using Apache HTTP Server

High Availability Concepts For Production Scenario

Load Balancing with AWS Classic Load Balancer

PHP Setup For Deploying Backend Tier

Creation of RDS instances in AWS for application stack

Understand the architecture of an application

Integration of Web, Application and Database to work as a stack

Setting Up Web Application - Presentation + Business + Data

AWS Global Footprint

Overview of AWS Services

AWS Regions

AWS Availability Zones

AWS Edge Locations

Networking Layer

Traditional Networking Components

Logical Data Centers

Understanding Requirements From Client

Amazon VPC Features & Benefits

Amazon VPC Components Overview

Networking Basics - Protocol - Port - Firewall

Understanding Default VPC

Designing Custom VPC - Client Requirement

VPC Routing Basics

AWS Internet Gateway

VPC Subnetting

VPC Public Subnets

VPC Private Subnets

VPC Route Tables


VPC Security Groups

Hands On

Creating Custom VPC

Creating Subnets

Creating Internet Gateways

Creating Route Tables

Creating Security Group

Creating Network ACL

Fundamentals of Virtualization

Desktops vs Servers

Amazon EC2 Features

Amazon EC2 Components

Amazon EC2 Instance Types

Amazon EC2 Purchase Options

Amazon Machine Images (AMI)

EC2 IP Address Types Private vs Public vs Elastic

Amazon EC2 Userdata

Amazon EC2 Metadata

Hands On

Launch and Connect to an EC2 instance

Work with SSH Key Pairs

SSH Softwares - GitBash & Putty & Terminal

Deploying Web Applications On EC2 Instance

Setup Elastic IP For EC2 Instance

Deploying Web Application Using Userdata

Fetching Metadata for Dynamic Scripts

Design Dynamic Scripts Using Userdata & Metadata

Amazon EBS Features



EBS Volume Types

EBS Volumes Limitations

EBS Volume Backups - SNAPSHOTS

Disaster Recovery with SNAPSHOTS

Custom Amazon Machine Images

Hands On

Creating EBS Volumes

Attaching EBS Volumes

Create an Custom AMI

Copy AMI To Other Regions

Backing Up Volumes - EBS Snapshots

Recovering Volumes - EBS Snapshots

Copy Snapshots to other regions

Shared File Systems - NFS

Amazon EFS Features

EFS Fully Managed

EFS Use Cases

EFS Storage Classes

EFS Mount Points


Hands On

Provision EFS File System

Configuring Firewalls For EFS Access

Shared File Access across Multiple Instances

Shared File Access across Multiple Availability Zones

Online Data Storage

Amazon S3 Features

EBS vs EFS vs S3

Use Case - What Storage To Opt - Client Req

Amazon S3 Buckets

Amazon S3 Objects

Amazon S3 Access ACL's

Amazon S3 Access Bucket Policy

Amazon S3 Storage Classes

Amazon S3 Lifecycle Policy

Amazon S3 Versioning

Amazon S3 Web Hosting

Hands On

Create S3 Buckets

Uploading S3 Objects

Control Access Permissions On S3 Buckets

Control Access Permissions On S3 Objects

S3 Storage Classes - Lifecycle Management

S3 Versioning

S3 Web Hosting

Account & Services Layer

IAM Overview

Root User vs IAM User

IAM Access Ways

IAM Policies

IAM Groups

IAM Roles

Hands On

Creating an IAM User

Creating an IAM Group

Creating an IAM Policy

Creating an IAM Role

Graphical Interface vs Command Line Interface

AWS CLI Features

AWS CLI Configurations

Understanding CLI Reference

Hands On

AWS CLI on Amazon Linux

Install AWS CLI on CentOS

Configure AWS CLI

Using Multiple CLI profiles

Creating a Custom VPC Using AWS CLI

Graphical vs Command Line Interface vs Code

Infrastructure Challenges

Infrastructure As Code - IaC

AWS Cloud Formation Features

AWS Cloud Formation Templates

AWS CloudFormation vs Terraform

Hands On

CloudformationTemplate JSON

Cloudformation Template YAML

Creating a Custom VPC Using Cloudformation

Configure Reusable Infrastructure Using Cloudformation

VPC Peering

Bastion Hosts

Nat Gateway

Hands On

VPC Peering

Bastion Hosts

Nat Gateway

Database Concepts

Databases & Tables

IAAS Database - MySQL

PAAS Database - MySQL


Relational Database Service (RDS) - Features

RDS Read Replica

RDS Multi AZ Failover

Hands On

Create IAAS MySQL Database

Setup Java Web Application - IAAS MySQL

Create PAAS MySQL Database

Setup Java Web Application - PAAS MySQL

Create RDS Read Replicas - PAAS MySQL

Create Multi AZ Failover For Production Setup

Elastic Beanstalk Features

Server Setup - PAAS

Apache Tomcat Use Case

Hands On

Create Beanstalk Environment - Tomcat

Deploying Java Web Application

Connecting Web Application to RDS Instance

Checking High Availability & Fault Tolerance

Simple Notification Service - SNS

SNS Topics

SNS Subscriptions

SNS Publishers

Monitoring - Cloudwatch

Cloudwatch Dashboards

Cloudwatch Alarms

Hands On

Create SNS Topic

Create SNS Subscriptions

Publish Messages Using SNS

Create Cloudwatch Dashboard

Create Cloudwatch Alarm

Configure Email For High CPU Usage

Take EC2 Action Using - Cloud Watch

Designing Highly Available VPC

Introduction to Load Balancing

Generic Load Balancer - NGINX

Classic Load Balancer

Network Load Balancer

Application Load Balancer

Hands On

Implementing Generic Load Balancer - NGINX

Implementing Classic Load Balancer

Implementing Network Load Balancer

Implementing Application Load Balancer

Introduction to Fault Tolerance

Introduction to Scalability

Launch Configurations

Auto Scaling Groups

Hands On

Create Launch Configurations

Create Auto Scaling Group

Creating UpScale Policy

Creating DownScale Policy

Attach Load Balancer to Auto Scaling

Topics Covered

Introduction to DNS

Understanding DNS Tree Structure

Amazon Route 53 Overview

Amazon Route Hosted Zones

Amazon Route Record Sets

Introduction To Lambda

Introduction To API Gateway

Deploy Serverless Website

Deploy Nodejs Lambda Function

Student Feedback


5785 Rating
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  • Level
  • Lectures
    45 Lectures
  • Duration
    +45 Days
  • Category
  • Laguage
  • Access
    Full Lifetime
  • Certificate
  • Recourse
    5 Downloadable Files